Woocommerce Builder will make you have complete control on the design of the product pages. If you use the Divi Builder upon the WooCommerce product, the basic product design is instantly transformed into a set of WooCommerce modules that may be completely customized inside the builder. You have full control product page, and you can use the entire collection of Divi modules and its numerous design options. New updated full width page Tnd Sidebar Template options are also available for product pages.
25 Newest Divi WooCommerce Modules with Additional Features
This version includes 25 new WooCommerce Modules, allowing you to design and manage any single WooCommerce component on your website. WooCommerce and regullar Divi modules allow to customize what appears on your product pages, move anything around, and build everything. The woocommerce module open up a whole new world of WooCommerce design options, it’s because they include the entire range of Divi design parameters.
Like the current Divi modules, every WooCommerce module will contain the Design, regullar content, and Advanced settings.
These are the 25 Divi WooCommerce modules:
- Woo Products
Originally known as the Divi Shop module, the Woo Products module enables you to place any store products anywhere on the website.
- Woo Breadcrumbs
Users can add and change the links on Woocommerce Breadcrumb which help users browse your website and see their position within the website structure using the Woo Breadcrumb module.
- Woo Product Title
You may add and change the WooCommerce Product Title for the existing product product for a specific product page or some other current product on any page, product, or post using the Woo Product Title Module.
- Woo Product Images
You can add to and edit the WooCommerce Product Images part to show the single primary product image or/and a gallery of product pictures using the Woo Image Module.
- Woo Product Galleries
The Woo Gallery Module enables users to insert the WooCommerce Product Gallery across any usual post/page or product page and it will show any product gallery images connected to the chosen product.
- Woo Product Prices
The Woo Price Module enables you to show the product price and also any associated variable prices for the chosen product on any regular post. page, or product page.
- Woo Product Add To Cart
You may add product stock, the WooCommerce add to cart button, and product quantity using the Woo Add to Cart Module.
- Woo Product Rating
With the Woo Rating module, you can add the WooCommerce product rating for a chosen product to every page in Divi. This module displays the average star rating and the number of customer reviews for the selected product.
- Woo Product Stock
The Woo Stock allow you to insert any product’s WooCommerce stock into divi page and it will displays whether or not the product available stock.
- Woo Product Meta
The Woo Meta module enables you to insert the product meta to any WooCommerce product on Divi page, and it will show the product’s Categories, SKU, and Tags.
- Woo Product Description
Woo product description will help you to add short product description on the product page.
- Woo Product Tabs
Users can Insert the WooCommerce product tabs element from any product upon any Divi page with the Woo Tabs module, which includes tabs for the product information, additional details, and reviews.
- Woo Product Information
You may insert the WooCommerce product extra info element of every product, like as the product’s dimensions, weight, or attributes, anywhere along your Divi websites with the Woo Additional Info module.
- Woo Related Products
The Woo Related Products module shows products on your store that have the same tag or category and enables you to insert the WooCommerce related products section or element to an ordinary post/page or product page (s).
- Woo Product Upsell
The Woo Upsell Module displays products which you have included as an upsell product for a product and enables you to insert the WooCommerce upsell part to a regular post/page or product page.
- Woo Cart Notice
To display a notification that appears on the page anytime an user has successfully puts a product to the basket by clicking the Add to Cart option, you can insert the WooCommerce Cart Notification element to every WooCommerce product page on Divi using the Woo Cart Notice Module.
- Woo Product Reviews
You can insert the WooCommerce Product Reviews component to any ordinary postpage/ or product page on your Divi website using the Woo review module, which could show the reviews of the chosen product including a form for adding new reviews.
- Woo Cart Products
The Woo Cart Products module will view list of the product which already put into the shopping cart.
- Woo Cart Totals
You may view the shipping cost, current subtotal, and total price for the items that’ve been placed to the shopping cart using the Woo Cart Totals module.
- Cross-Sells module for Woo Cart
You can show cross-sells plus related products upon the Woo cart page by using the Woo Cart Cross-Sells module.
- Woo Checkout Billing
Woo checkout billing module will help you to see the billing information form that was used in the WooCommerce checkout.
- Woo Checkout Shipping
The module will let you to show the shipping information form used through WooCommerce checkout.
- Woo Checkout Information
Woo checkout module will show you the extra information form used in the WooCommerce checkout.
- Woo Checkout Details
Woo checkout details will allow you to view product inforation during checkout
- Woo Payment Checkout
Woo Checkout Payment module will help you to view the payment form data during the WooCommerce checkout.
Anywhere you go, you can create dynamic product listings.
The new WooCommerce modules could be used on specific product pages to dynamic list product details for any product. It can also be used on external pages to display information about the product in new ways. When it comes to constructing eCommerce websites with Divi, you aren’t limited to product post kinds.
This Amazing WooCommerce Product Demos Will Inspire You
Divi design team has already been throwing the new WooCommerce modules to work, creating some stunning product designs that were previously unimaginable. WooCommerce components can then be fully changed using Divi’s extensive design settings. There’s really no limit to how many you can accomplish with complete control over product pages!
Unleash the Power of WooCommerce
The WooCommerce Builder, as well as 25 new WooCommerce Modules, are now accessible for Divi users to try out.