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Dynamic Content Feature from Divi

Written by Firman


In the world of website management and blogging, the term dynamic content is actually not something new. But it is indeed talked about more recently along with the increase of awareness toward the importance of users’ engagement. Yes, dynamic content can be defined as a kind of content that is changeable or customizable.

Dynamic Content in a Blog or Website

If you learn more about the dynamic vs. static content, it is actually found that both content types are actually changeable. However, it is a so-called dynamic since the dynamic content can just be changed anytime very easily even without making changes to the codes. Besides, the content is also kept in a certain database so that the common users can change it even if they don’t have any mastery in term of web programming or coding.

In the dynamic content, the interactions conducted between the users and servers are very complex. Someone can just change the content on a particular page only by using the browser. The requests from users are processed by the servers and then they are displayed in the form of different content based on the programming lane.

Sure, those web pages have the database. Therefore, a website with dynamic content tends to have different data and information based on the input requested by the clients. The documents received by the clients are then quite different from the documents in the web server.

Characteristics of Websites with Dynamic Content

There are at least 4 characteristics owned by a website or blog with dynamic content. First, it uses web programming language like PHP, HTML, and many more. Second, the website must have its own database to manage the data and information from the clients. Third, the content is indeed dynamic and various. It is because the content can be from both the visitors and the database. Lastly, the website may be updated by the programmer more often to meet the users’ needs.

Dynamic Content Feature from Divi

To satisfy the bloggers and website owners more in term of dynamic content application, Divi provides this feature anyway. It is starting from the themes, templates, and still many more. Of course, it just makes the content and layout of your website and blog more interesting as well as gives more chances for the visitors or users to customize it. The Divi’s dynamic content is available in the form of modules. It improves the content from the metadata, supports the image uses and customizes the headers or titles.

Benefits of Using the Dynamic Content from Divi

If you compare it with the static content, of course, a website with dynamic content has more benefits. The main be one is regarding the content or the layout itself that can be simply changed and customized. Besides, the web content and page layout are made separately. This is to fasten the page loading so that the way to access the web is getting easier as well.

Next, the dynamic content facilitates a 2-way communication between the admin and visitors or the web users. Your web is getting more interactive with it providing the content to the users and allows them to give feedback to the server. The dynamic content module from Divi also offers great layouts to make your website look more attractive.

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