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Is Divi Theme Good for SEO? – Step by Step to Optimize Your Divi Theme Website

Written by Firman


Is the Divi theme SEO-friendly? Before we provide an answer to that query, it is essential to recognize that a staggering 80% of all web traffic originates from search engines. Quite remarkable, wouldn’t you agree? This is precisely why investing effort in SEO is a fundamental key to success for every website owner.

By optimizing your webpages effectively, you can enhance your website’s ranking on search engines, resulting in increased visitors and higher conversion rates. That’s precisely why we have published numerous SEO-related posts on this site, including the one you’re currently reading.

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Performing basic optimization on a WordPress (WP) website is not a complex task. You can easily download one of several exceptional SEO plugins, craft meta box search snippets for each piece of content, and you’ll be well on your way to success. However, taking your Divi site to the next level may require implementing more advanced SEO techniques.

Is the Divi Theme SEO Friendly?

This question has been posed by many users. However, it’s natural to wonder whether a popular website builder with thousands or even millions of users worldwide, accompanied by a significant price tag, might have a negative impact on SEO, right?

Certainly, the Divi theme, like any other website out there, is not without imperfections. The purpose of this article is to delve into the various customizations and optimizations I have already undertaken to ensure that the Divi Theme is SEO-friendly and optimized for search engines.

Divi Shortcode Optimization for SEO

One particular aspect to consider is Divi Shortcode Optimization for SEO. A significant number of SEO issues stem from shortcodes utilized in plugins and themes. The Divi website builder plugin, which comes bundled with the Divi theme, relies on shortcode generation to populate the meta description that WordPress automatically generates upon publishing your post or page.

Consequently, if your theme incorporates shortcodes, utilizing an SEO plugin becomes imperative to gain control over the meta data of each page. Some commonly used SEO plugins include Yoast SEO and All-In-One SEO Pack. These plugins provide meta boxes within the post and page editor, empowering you to define your own meta description and page titles, rather than relying on the defaults generated by WP.

Improving the Speed of Your Page.

The second most prevalent cause of SEO issues in WordPress themes is page speed. Google favors fast-loading websites, yet many one-size-fits-all WordPress themes tend to be sluggish due to the accumulation of numerous font libraries, carousels, and an abundance of animated JavaScript files. The longer it takes for a site to load, the higher the bounce rate of visitors, and this negatively impacts SEO.

While Divi is a WordPress page builder that offers a multitude of design options, which can potentially add some weight to your site, it remains highly efficient overall. Keep in mind that a complex webpage with elaborate design structures tends to be heavier than a basic and minimalistic one. Furthermore, the Divi builder has been consistently updated, ensuring it doesn’t become overly burdensome. The latest standard for Divi webpages, following the updates, averages at a reasonable size of 2-3 MB.

Additionally, page size can be further reduced by optimizing images and minimizing the number of plugins. In most cases, graphics are the main contributors to a page’s size. Implementing image optimization techniques and limiting the number of plugins used can significantly enhance the speed of your Divi site.

By adhering to these tips and optimizing your Divi site accordingly, you can effectively improve its performance and ensure its SEO-friendliness.

Optimize Image on Your page 

One of the most effective methods to optimize page loading speed and improve performance is by optimizing images. Images often constitute the largest elements on a page, whereas scripts and text are compiled into rendered HTML by either the web server or the web browser. By implementing proper optimization techniques such as compression, responsive design, and browser caching, you can significantly reduce the loading time of your website.

– Divi Theme Setting Options to Enable Static File

Within the Divi theme, there exists an advanced builder dashboard where you’ll find an option called “Static CSS File Generation.” Make sure to enable this option to generate static CSS files, which can further enhance the loading speed of your website. Additionally, you have the ability to easily clear the static CSS file from this location if needed.

Caching Plugin 

To further enhance the performance of your WordPress website, it is recommended to utilize a reputable caching plugin. There are various options available, such as W3 Total Cache, that provide features like minification, CDN integration, and lazy loading. By leveraging these caching and optimization plugins, you can optimize the delivery of your website’s content and ensure faster loading speed for your visitors.

Don’t Use Many Animation and Scroll Effects

Simply because Divi provides the option to incorporate animations or scrolling effects on your website doesn’t mean you should go over the top. You can make elements soar and dazzle, reminiscent of PowerPoint presentations, but bear in mind that excessive use may cause discomfort to your viewers.

Several other SEO tactics to make divi theme seo friendly website

Enhance Website Responsiveness

Having a mobile-friendly page is essential for SEO. Essentially, your website should perform well on smartphones. Google primarily utilizes mobile web crawlers, treating the site as a mobile device rather than a desktop or laptop.

Include ALT Tags for Images in Your Posts

This is a straightforward and swift solution. Did you add images to your page using the Divi Builder instead of the media gallery? If so, you might have unintentionally overlooked adding ALT text to the images.

If you’ve reviewed your page and noticed missing alt text, it’s likely because it’s easy to skip this step when adding image files to the Divi Builder. Take a look at your image modules, go to the Advanced section of the module options, and fill in the ALT text tag for your post images.

Create Content that Targets User Query Intent

Google is the dominant player in the search engine industry. They connect users with the information they seek. Gone are the days when you could simply sprinkle keywords throughout your blog posts and websites (think keyword density) and expect incoming traffic from search engines.

Google now employs a sophisticated algorithm that determines the relevance of a site for ranking. The essence of effective content lies in its ability to address user queries and provide valuable solutions. This includes content that answers users’ questions.

Establish Internal Links to Build a Solid Website Architecture

The architecture of your site refers to how its pages are structured. Similar to anything else, a well-organized structure outperforms a haphazardly created one.

When done correctly, website design leads to improved indexation, higher rankings, and an overall increase in visitor engagement.

Internal links work wonders on a micro-level by incorporating links from your website within your posts and pages. External links also play a crucial role in informing Google about your site’s content and helping your viewers access relevant material related to their reading.

Enhanced internal linking encourages visitors to spend more time on your site, increases session duration, and ultimately enhances your position in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Update Old Blog Posts

In addition to creating fresh content, another advanced SEO strategy involves updating existing posts and pages on your website. Search engines favor up-to-date content. It’s one of their requirements, which is why they display publication dates in their search engine results.


To conclude, Divi is not an automated Search Engine Optimization tool that optimizes your website for search engines. However, you can make a few adjustments to maximize the existing potential within the Divi theme and make your website more SEO-friendly. Remember that SEO is an ongoing process and not something that yields immediate results. There are multiple factors that make your website more appealing to search engines, and it’s up to you to leverage the features of Divi and utilize SEO plugins to enhance its visibility in the eyes of Google.

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