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Divi Powered Post Types Feature

Written by Firman


From many features offered by Divi, the Post Types feature is one of them you can use to improve your websites or blogs. Slightly, it is indeed not different from the conventional post types features already available in the WordPress. Although the general functions are basically similar, Divi adds more things that make this feature is worthier to be applied.

The Definition of Post Types Feature

In general, the feature of post types enables you to sort the posts based on the content. In WordPress, the default post types are including the Post, Page, and Attachment. When you type down the posts in the post area located in the Control Panel Admin and then creating the category, each post from each type has appeared in the same list. Consequently, it is difficult for you to differentiate them based on the content you have.

Meanwhile, the Custom Post Type has its own link in the control panel that directs to the list of the post type. You can then add a category to sort and display the post freely. However, the main function of post types feature in the WordPress is indeed limited in only managing the content category. If you can have some more benefits and additional features by using the Post Types feature by Divi Theme, it must be more interesting.

Post Types Feature by Divi

First of all, the implementation of the Post Type feature by Divi is actually optional. Once you have downloaded and installed it, it is no matter whether you want to use it or not. This feature is really easy to be enabled and disabled whatever the post type you make. When you decide to activate it, it means that the feature of Post Types by Divi is automatically added and powered your content area. The way to design or customize the content is getting easier for sure.

Second, this feature is not only about sorting the post types based on the category. It also enables you to manage it based on the most important content. There are some additional categories available there including the pages, posts, projects, products, calendar, courses, popups, and many more. Besides, it is possible also for you to add or cut them. To enable those categories, you only need to click or tap the buttons. Sure, if you want to disable them, all you need to do is just the same; clicking it.

Third, it is so good if you also have applied the dynamic content feature previously released by Divi. It is much easier for you to customize the content and sort them. Now, you don’t need to set them up separately and spend more time. Just manage them at once for the better and more qualified website content. Of course, your website or blog can just look more attractive and good-looking with those features.

Even with the additional features from Divi, it will not influence your website or blog particularly in term of the speed. So, to gain more visitors, Divi is undeniably an excellent partner.

You can watch this video regarding the post type feature on Divi Theme.

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