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iThemes Security Review

Written by Firman


We know that you spend much money for your WordPress website. It is reasonable because you can earn more money from your website. That is why you need to protect your website to avoid lost data, hacking, or other problems. In this case, you will need iThemes Security Pro. This is one of the best security plugins for WordPress websites. This plugin comes with various features. Therefore, it is very important to discuss more about iThemes Security Pro review.

We are sure that this security plugin could be the best option to choose. Combination of the well features with kinds of capability will make you get the way to protect your websites. In some researches, there are many bloggers using this plugin. The number of users of this plugin around the world show how great it is. Of course, you do not need to worry about the function of it.

What is iThemes Security Pro ?

WP Security plugin comes back from the old name Better WP Security into new better version called iThemes Security Pro. This plugin is developed by iThemes Media LLC in 2014. Some updated features are available there. The latest version, of course, will give you the better usage and protection and I am sure it will give more happiness to you and reducing your problem.

It is a simple security plugin that provides you with over 30 options for securing your WordPress website. Hackers have been able to easily get access to wordpress accounts because to outdated systems, weak passwords, or plugin vulnerability. The iThemes Security plugin closes all of these gaps, preventing hackers from gaining access to your site. 

Nowadays, there are many people who have used iThemes Security Pro plugin to protect their website. Anyway, this plugin can be the right choice for your WordPress website. Besides, the Pro in the name of this plugin means that the protection of this plugin is professional and it will make every user of it gets happiness.

Seeing the latest version of this plugin is coming, I am sure that users will get new intention to use it. Now, to get more detail information about iThemes Security pro, we will give some information about the detail features of this security plugin.

Why You Must Choose This Security Plugin ?

The following must be considered features of this product, among several other security plugin that it has:

  1. Compromises are detected by iThemes.
    The plugin detects modifications to the system files and database, which indicate if your website has been hacked.
  2. Vulnerabilities are hidden
    Potential hackers won’t be able to discover a lot about critical places such your login & admin thanks to iThemes Security.
  3. Safety and security
    iThemes Security protects your password by encrypting it and blocking all malicious users. It also protects sensitive information on the website.
  4. Website Recovery
    iThemes backs up your WordPress database on a regular basis. In the case of an assault, this allows you to get back online as rapidly as possible.

iThemes Security Pro Features

As one of the best security plugins, it offers some great features. You can use this licensed plugin for individual websites. Then, the premium version provides some additional features besides automatic updates & ticketed support. By the complete feature coming from this security, problem of websites could be thrown as far as you want!

The iThemes Pro version includes additional complex tools and automation systems and save you energy and make your site much more secure, such as:

Install a mobile application (like Authy or Google Authenticator) so that only you could log in using your smartphone.

Malware Scan Planning: Every day, do an automatic search of your website for every malicious code. This feature can fight against malware to comeback. As we know, malware is the serious enemy for the website. There are many cases that websites are down because of malware. However, today, you do not need to worry with the occurring of this security.

Expiration Dates for Passwords: After a set amount of time, force users to generate new passwords.
Exporting and Importing Set up your additional WordPress website with the very same security settings as this one.

Customize the URL for logging in: Customize your dashboard URL login to prevent visitors from attempting to log in to your site.

Besides that, it also features comment spam and brute force attacks. Then, IP banning is also included in the list of the features. By the additional feature as we are talking in iThemes Security Pro review, we are sure that this plugin will give the best usage for the bloggers.

For the complete features, here is the list that you have to know:

  • Strong password
  • Protection from brute force attacks
  • Security reports
  • File change detection
  • Lock out user.
  • It comes with too many failed login attempts / 404 errors
  • Inaccessible Setting
  • It can make admin inaccessible for certain time that you set. You can set it, for example, when going on vacation.
  • Hiding WordPress site, jQuery versions & other header meta data
  • Removing update notification to the users
  • Changing database table prefix from default wp_
  • Changing wp-content folder path
  • It is needed where sensitive files are stored.
  • The ability in displaying random number of WordPress version to the users that belong to non-admin
  • Force Secure Socket Layer (SSL) on admin / front end page
  • Attack detection to file and database
  • Database backup through email on adjustable schedule
  • Disable PHP execution in upload
  • Author page of disable user when zero post count
  • Force users
    It purposes to make a unique nickname when you update profile or register
  • Limited comment spam blocks

After paying attention to iThemes Security Pro about the features above, you can decide whether this plugin is needed or not for your website. Choosing the right plugin is important. By choosing the right plugin, of course you could get better protection for your websites. In other hand, you also could decrease the payment that you need to pay.

By those reasons, knowing every kind of the security plugin is important. In this matter, when you have limited information about the plugin, you could do some researches through internet. Then, you also could ask someone to explain about this matter to you.

iThemes Security Pro Benefits

When it comes to iThemes Security Pro plugin review, you need to understand well why you need this plugin so much. As we have said before in some matters about iThemes Security Pro review, this plugin is very useful. It will give stronger protection and will give you a new sense in blogging. I am sure that you will get higher spirit to increase your website after using this plugin.

Then, we also will mention some other reasons why people, including you, need to use this plugin inside the website. First, this plugin is recommended so much because it comes with ease of use. The developer makes a good plugin with a simple interface. By this fact, users could understand the way to use it in simply.

Besides that, it also offers various features. You can enjoy the features based on the version you use whether it is basic or the premium one. When you make a comparison between this plugin with other security plugin, you will realize that iThemes Security Pro review offers more complete features than others. How great it is!
The benefits of this plugin also relate to its reliability. Many people prove that this plugin is reliable to solve many issues. In relation to the speed, it is also really nice. As a lightweight app, this plugin can operate fast. Even more, it does not require many resources, too. It is the best matter inside the plugin that will amaze you. By the complete use of this plugin, your website will be more powerful than before.

In other hand, by the feaster speed of your website, people that click and open your website also will be amazed, too. They will be happier and we are sure that they will make your website as their favorite to go. It means that you could get higher money from your website because of getting more visitors.

Finally, we can conclude that this plugin really works very well with its features provided. This plugin can protect your WordPress website from different issues. You do not see any problem anymore inside your website when you are using this plugin.

Considering all the benefits from iThemes Security Pro above, it feels difficult to find the better security plugin than this one. Now, when you realize that this plugin is very useful for you, please call the CS and get this plugin as fast as you can. After placing this security plugin to your WP, I am sure that you will taste the benefits of it. We hope it will be useful information for you.

Click Here To Visit The Official Plugin Website

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