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Speed Up Your Divi Website By Optimize Time to First Byte

Written by Firman


The Time to First Byte (TTFB) is the time it takes for a user to get the first byte of data on your server. Whenever a user performs an HTTP request (loading your website), the TTFB is basically the time it takes for the browser to get any data. This one is critical because of longer the TTFB, more longer it takes for the page to load.

Consider it similar to ordering quick food. It’s possible that the restaurant set up and deliver your food quickly. In fact, they might have already a hamburger waiting for you. However, you must still stand in line to place your purchase. That gap between bites is referr to this as the interval to first bite.

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According to google The TTFB should be in the range of 200ms . However, for sites that are host poorly and haven’t been optimised, the TTFB can likely surpass 2 seconds.

What Are the Causes of a Slow TTFB?

The following are the most common causes of TTFB delays on Divi sites:

The quantity of dynamic content that must be deliver. Database optimization, Caching,  as well as a CDN can help reduce this.

The quantity of traffic that your server is now experiencing. Because you’re sharing resources with someone else on the same host, conventional (or shared) hosting services make it tough to get that TTFB down. The processing performance of your server will slow by spikes in their traffic.

Configuration of your web server. By offering a stable infrastructure services and optimising your web server settings, a reputable WordPress hosting company may assist with your site’s TTFB.

How to Make Your Divi Site’s TTFB Go Faster

TTFB is among the Web Vital signs that Google utilizes to rank your site (along with LCP, FCP,  and CLS). As a result, it is critical to optimize it. The great news is also that TTFB can make to work better. This are several key strategies for lowering TTFB.

Upgrade your web hosting package. Simply upgrading your hosting is the most effective strategy to increase your TTFB. Spending even more for WordPress managed hosting will have the most effect on TTFB right away.

Make use of a content delivery network (CDN). This allows guests to load your web’s data from the server that is nearest to them, reducing latency and TTFB.

Remove any plugins or themes that your website didnt require. Themes and  Plugins (especially those that are obsolete) might slow down your web’s server and make it take longer to load (including TTFB). As a result, it’s better to use only the most essential and crucial plugins (or themes) then disable the rest.

Caching should be use. For serving Divi JS and CSS, Divi includes built-in caching. However, in addition with using a CDN, you can reduce TTFB by caching your entire website.

To increase TTFB, use Cloudflare.

Cloudflare is a great solution to enhance your site’s TTFB quickly. TTFB will undoubtedly benefit from the cache and CDN features included on their free plan. You can also use Cloudflare’s Automatic Platform Optimization, which shown to reduce TTFB by 72 percent in tests.

Move Your Website To Managed WordPress Hosting

WP Engine is a  hosting company that specializes in WordPress and offers customizable and controlled plans. Loading speed, stability, uptime, and scalability are all excellent.

Flywheel. This web hosting service not only provides the highest level of protection, but it also improves the performance of Divi websites by allowing them to load faster.

WPX Hosting is a WordPress hosting platform. A strong WordPress hosting solution with caching and a free CDN which will completely optimize your website. It is reliable, quick, and performs well.

Kinsta. This WordPress hosting solution includes a CDN network and caching technologies for website optimization. LXD technology is use by Google Cloud Service to generate a robust website.

Pressable. A Web host service that makes it simple to create a WordPress website and ensures that it is fast, secure, and stable.

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